
Tavistock Golf Club

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Ladies Captain - Mrs Maggie Hillman

Ladies day is held on Tuesdays. Each month there is an Medal and/or Stableford and some competitions at weekends.  During the winter months we try to have "˜fun' team events - depending on the weather.

Trophy competitions and other events are played throughout the year - these are listed in the Club diary. However, please check on the Ladies Notice Board (situated outside the ladies office) where details of all forthcoming ladies competitions and events are listed.

Medal and Stableford competitions are entered in the Pro Shop with an additional fee for the 2's competition should you wish to take part.  Play is in 2's or 3's.  If you are unable to play on a Tuesday you can request to play on the alternate day which is the previous Sunday.

The Ladies Section enters all three of Devon County Ladies' Golf Association Inter-Club Matches. Still Cup which is a scratch competition, President's Trophy for  players with handicap index of 21.4 and below and the Sheelah Creasy Bowl for players with handicap index of 21.5 to 40.4.

In addition to the normal ladies club matches, we also play several mixed competitions.


We are excited to have signed up for the Women in Golf Charter with the R&A and will be holding various events to help and encourgage more ladies into golf.    For more information email your name, and contact number to 

Lady Vets Captain - Sue Eastwood 

We have a very active Lady Vets section who meet every Thursday when possible, all ladies over 60 yrs old, whatever your handicap are welcome. We meet just at 9.15am when the draw takes place, play is normally play in 3s. We are a very friendly group, and very supportive of all our members both on and off the course. 
There is one stipulation, to qualify to play in our trophy competitions you must have played in 3 Lady Vets roll ups.
Lady vets play 5 friendly matches with other clubs, some both home and away. We have a very popular Lady vets open in June, and a lady vets away day as well as some fun competitions.

The  Ladies Still Cup team and caddies, proud runners up in the 2019 final held at Yelverton Golf club



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Tavistock Golf Club
Down Road
PL19 9AQ

Course Status

Course Status

11/02/25, COURSE OPEN, 18 Main Greens, Trolley's allowed, Carry if possible, Orange stakes in Bunkers G.U.R Please repair pitch marks.


Tue 11
Wed 12
Thu 13
Tel: 01822 612344 / (Pro: 01822 612316)  E-mail: