
Tavistock Golf Club

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Welcome to Tavistock Golf Club Junior Section. We hope that you will thoroughly enjoy your golf with us. If you require guidance on any point concerning junior golf, please contact the junior organisers who will be pleased to help you get the best from your membership.

Like other sections of the club, the Juniors have their own captain to represent them. 

However the club also recognises that the Juniors need some help in dealing with organisational aspects of their involvement in the club.

The following information is intended to help you get the most out of your Junior golfing experience. Please also refer to the Junior Introduction booklet for more 

Junior Group Coaching Classes


14:00 until 15:30. All coaching takes place on the golf course,  Juniors will learn a skill each week as well as taking part in some friendly competitions.

We encourage any parents while your child is on the course to walk around with them to ensure the safety of the child, however if this isn't able we will have volunteers with the assisted groups and on the course to ensure your child's safety. 

Cost per session is £5 

Individual Lessons

Individual Junior lessons are also available.

30 Minutes - £15

Junior Golf Camps (Half Terms & Summer holiday)

Throughout Easter, Summer and October Half Terms we will be holding Bootcamps.  All equipment can be provided, if necessary, please let us know in advance. Cost will be £15 Per a session must be paid at time of booking.

For more information on the coaching programme please call the Pro Shop on Tel: 01822 612316 or email:

Please follow the Tavistock Juniors on Facebook for all Coaching updates. @tavistockgolfclubjuniors


Under 10s must be accompanied by an adult at all times when on the course, and no junior under 12 should be on the course on their own. Before going out to play, please check the large white notice board outside to ensure that the tee has not been reserved for competitions or matches. Please also respect the Club's dress code, playing priority and etiquette rules. Please note that you are not allowed to play any holes on the course before entering a competition.

Junior Competitions

There are a variety of competitions arranged during the year (see below) and an up to date fixture list can be found on the Junior Notice Board or on the website diary pages. A list of current competitions is also contained in the back of the Junior Introduction Booklet.

All competitions have different entry criteria, please check with the Office or Pro Shop if you are elligible, before you enter a competition.

Joining in with the junior competitions will help to improve your golf, so please do not think that you are not good enough.

Note for Parents: All helpers and Junior Organisers have been checked through the Criminal Records Bureau and are clear to work with young children.

Adult Competitions

Tavistock Juniors are very fortunate to be allowed to play in most adult competitions once they have successfully obtained a handicap of 28 or less. Juniors with handicaps of 18 or below may play in these competitions with other juniors of their standard. All juniors with handicaps of 19+ must play with an adult.

County and other Club Competitions

Devon County Junior Golf Society also arranges several competitions during the year, we would like to encourage as many of Tavistock's Junior players as possible to enter these competitions. The County has an Order of Merit table for under 18s, 16s & 14s. The details of County competitions will be displayed on the Junior Notice Board, details for all other club open competitions can be found in the "Open Competitions" folder on the table outside the Secretary's office.

General Rules

All juniors are expected to conform to the club rules.

Many Tavistock Junior players have earned respect and admiration off their fellow club members through maintaining high standards of behaviour, sportsmanship and their excellent golfing achievements in Club, County and National Comeptitions.

We look forward to you maintaining these standards. 


We are delighted that the club was accredited with the Safegolf mark from England Golf in 2021.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.


Tavistock Golf Club
Down Road
PL19 9AQ

Course Status

Course Status

11/02/25, COURSE OPEN, 18 Main Greens, Trolley's allowed, Carry if possible, Orange stakes in Bunkers G.U.R Please repair pitch marks.


Tue 11
Wed 12
Thu 13
Tel: 01822 612344 / (Pro: 01822 612316)  E-mail: