131 players have been signed up for this competition as of 6:28 PM Tuesday 11th February
Stuart Allan (15.7) |
Dom Allen (Yelverton Golf Club) |
Steve Andrews (13.7) |
Mike Apps (5.7) |
Andy Avens (20.6) |
David Axell (6.5) |
Richard Bacon (8.5) |
Fergus Baker (9.9) |
Dominic Bancroft (Great Torrington Golf Club) |
Ray Barnes (22.9) |
Mark Barter (15.2) |
Lee Bartlett (16.4) |
Tom Benney (Perranporth Golf Club) |
Michael Bird (Taunton & Pickeridge) |
Geoff Blainer (13.2) |
Adrian Bleasdale (8.9) |
Thomas Body (Boringdon Park) |
Thomas Bray (Boringdon Park) |
Adam Bridgewater (-1.6) |
Danny Brockington (10.1) |
David Buchanan (19.7) |
Ian Burns (22.6) |
CHRIS BURROWS (Portmore Golf Club) |
ANGUS CALDER (Royal North Devon Golf Club) |
Graeme Calo (Cotswold Hills Golf Club) |
Christopher Chapman (Yelverton Golf Club) |
John Chapman (Yelverton Golf Club) |
Paul Clahane (Trevose) |
Steve Coomber (Taunton & Pickeridge) |
Mark Cottingham (2.7) |
Jonathan Cousins (8.8) |
William Deem (Boringdon Park) |
andrew dibble (Weston-Super-Mare) |
Andy Down (15.4) |
Mark Evans (Yelverton Golf Club) |
Shaun Evans (Staddon Heights Golf Club) |
Tom Fenwick (Staddon Heights Golf Club) |
Simon Fowell (18.2) |
Lester Francis (14.6) |
David Furse (St Mellion Golf Club) |
Timothy George (7.7) |
Shaun Getson (15.1) |
George Grant (Greetham Valley) |
Jim Grant (17.1) |
Steven Green (8.3) |
Alan Greening (16.6) |
Martyn Greening (14.3) |
Andrew Greig (16.3) |
Neil Griffiths (Boringdon Park) |
Brett Hadfield (Boringdon Park) |
Mark Hannington (Basset Down) |
John Harris (Looe Golf Club) |
Jake Hitchcock (Boringdon Park) |
Mark Hodges (Teignmouth Golf Club) |
Chris Howard (-2.1) |
John Howes (Folke Golf Centre) |
George Hyde-Linaker (St Austell Golf Club) |
Andrew Jackson (Elfordleigh Golf Club) |
Mike James (18.4) |
Ian Jasinskyj (5.4) |
Guy Jedwab (Looe Golf Club) |
Joseph Jelski (Cotswold Hills Golf Club) |
Alistair Johnston (Bristol & Clifton Golf Club) |
Fraser Johnston (Royal Automobile Club) |
Iain Johnston (Harwood) |
Dan Kayes (Boringdon Park) |
Martin Kent (Boringdon Park) |
Jason King (Yelverton Golf Club) |
Scott Lawrey (0.9) |
Andy Lawton (10.7) |
Kristian Lennard (3.1) |
John McGahey (17.5) |
Patrick McMahon (12.3) |
Gary Melvin (Boringdon Park) |
Barry Milligan (16.0) |
Gareth Mitchell (Staddon Heights Golf Club) |
Martyn Moon (7.0) |
Nick Murch (Stover Golf Club) |
Shaun Northey (Churston Golf Club) |
Neil Paull (Warren Golf Club (Devon) Golf Club) |
Nigel Piddock (21.7) |
John Ponsford (Stover Golf Club) |
Chris Pountney (St Mellion Golf Club) |
Alex Powell (23.1) |
Matt Powell (11.5) |
Gary Pumford (15.5) |
Josh Reeday (3.6) |
Lewis Reid (10.1) |
Paul Reid (17.6) |
Kevin Rice (Boringdon Park) |
Nigel Roberts (8.4) |
Andy Rowe (Looe Golf Club) |
Richard Rowe (14.5) |
Graham Ruth (5.3) |
Rob Score (14.3) |
Len Scott (15.6) |
Barry Shipton (26.9) |
M D Short (Taunton & Pickeridge) |
Matt Simonds (Looe Golf Club) |
Richard B Smith (18.4) |
Trevor Smith (14.2) |
Colin A Snell (The Defence Academy) |
John Snell (Taunton & Pickeridge) |
Rob Staniland (12.0) |
Dave Statton (26.1) |
Keith Stenhouse (20.6) |
Chris Stoffell (Yelverton Golf Club) |
James Stroud (China Fleet Golf Club) |
Mike Sutcliffe (9.0) |
Dave Symons (10.3) |
Mark Taylor (5.3) |
James Thomas (St Austell Golf Club) |
Gene Thompson (13.5) |
Sebastian Treglown (Yelverton Golf Club) |
Joe Trembath (3.5) |
Brian Trickey (Taunton & Pickeridge) |
Rodney Tucker (14.1) |
David Turnbull (-1.0) |
Paul Vickers (18.6) |
Steve Waddell (St Austell Golf Club) |
Jan Walaszkowski (Boringdon Park) |
Mike Watkin (11.7) |
Dale Webb (Yelverton Golf Club) |
Jordan White (Exminster Golf Club) |
Daniel Whitehurst (-0.8) |
Gary Wide (Vivary Park) |
Paul Wilkins (Tehidy Park) |
Tom Williams (1.7) |
Viv Wilton (17.1) |
Andrew Witthames (Gorleston) |
Oliver Yarde (Taunton & Pickeridge) |